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MATERIALS LIST for Painting Class
and Misc. Instructions

In general, don't worry about getting exactly the right thing at this point. Everything will be useful for something. Just get into the ballpark. Most of these items can be found at Michael's or A.C.Moore, where they are often on sale at 40 or 50% off, as well as at art supply stores.

  • A pack of 11" x 14" canvases (5 in the pack.) These are cheap, and often on sale.

  • Brushes-- all-purpose, for oil or acrylic. Get inexpensive brushes for now. Don't get watercolor brushes. Get one smallish "round" (which is pointy); one medium sized (1/4-1/2 " "flat" (which is, surprisingly, flat. The end is cut straight across at 90 degrees); and one large flat (one inch wide or so.) Brushes for oil paint and watercolor are often made of natural hair, while brushes for acrylic paint are usually synthetic. Some are labeled for use with anything. Get those. If you have other brushes at home, bring them.

  • A palette knife or two. They're basically little trowels. You'll be mixing paint with these. Get them with a 90 degree bend where blade meets handle, rather than straight like a butter knife.

  • Disposable palettes. These come in packs. Alternatively, you can buy Reynolds Freezer Paper (NOT parchment paper) which is white and has a shiny, waterproof side. They have it at Sudbury Farms, but not at most other grocery stores lately. I haven't checked Crosby's.

  • Paints: Liquitex or Golden Acrylic tubes. Get the smallest available tubes to start. Buy six tubes-- White, Yellow Ochre, a bright Yellow, a Red you like, Ultramarine Blue, and Black. If you have other colors at home, bring them.

  • If you have a portable easel you want to use, bring it. I have a few in the studio if you don't.

  • Rags and/or paper towels. Painting is messy.

    Please "Dress for Mess". It really is absolutely necessary. I guarantee you will get paint on your clothes and yourself. 1st class is Wed. night April 19, 7- 9pm.

  • Natalie Gardner | Studio @63 Main St. ,Maynard, MA 01754 | Tel. (978)852-5536| e-mail: